Bye Bye Bolivia

Our time in Bolivia was very short, we spent little over a week here but we had some bucket list items we wanted to tick off our lists and made our itinerary around them – this was cycling death road in La Paz and visiting the salt flats in Uyuni. I think the biggest impression Bolivia left on us was the vast and changing landscapes over such short spaces of time, within a few hours we saw volcanos, mountains, geysers, deserts, salt flats and lakes. However, one of my South America highlights was our visit to Isla Del Sol and Lake Titicaca and the breathtaking views associated with it so this will remain a favourite of Bolivia too, just after we entered the country!

Bolivia in numbers.png


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  1. Hi there! we’re looking forward to go to Bolivia! πŸ™‚ have you visited other countries in south america? have you made a travel itinerary or budget overview? Cheers!


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